Monday 30 January 2012

Upcoming Events

After our successful annual awards evening we at WordPlay are embarking on our third year of 'encouraging writers to write and getting them read'.

February sees the second of our Creative Writing Workshops taking place, in addition to the first Open Mic night of the year.

It's full steam ahead on the publishing front, too, with the group anthology 'Precinct 25' progressing nicely and Ian Alexander/Joy Lennick's collaborative novel in the final phase of editing. We anticipate a further 10 books to be published through WordPlay during the course of the year.

Open Mic Night

On Tuesday 7th of February 7.30pm at Chadwicks, Villamartin.

Competition theme is 'The 29th Day'. Poems limited to 40 lines maximum, with Prose at no more than 600 words. Pleas email entries to by Friday 3rd of February.

See you all there, don't forget to bring a friend!

Creative Writing Workshop

On Monday 13th February starting 1.30pm at The Emerald Isle, La Florida.

This month we look at: Themes and Inspiration; Genre Selection; Planning and Structuring; Creating a Strong Opening (to your story).

There will mid-afternoon refreshments, served as usual.

The cost is 25€ for this workshop, or, a discounted rate of 80€ for the remaining five workshops in the series.

For further information email

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