Tuesday 11 October 2011


Thanks to all who came to the meeting yesterday. Several members had said they couldn't be there, so it was great to see so many of you.

Here's a few notes from the meeting:


Book signing Event at Bookworld
WordPlay have arranged a book signing event for Wednesday 16th November (running from 12 to 3pm) at Bookworld in the Habaneras Centre, Torrevieja. This is the first stage of an ongoing relationship with Bookworld, which should promote the work of our members, and WordPlay will be supplying Cava, bookmarks, a free raffle with various prizes, etc. on the day.

Please help us to help you, by spreading the word and getting as many people there that day as possible. One of the books we are promoting is the anthology. There are 15 of you published within its pages, and we would love to have some of you read on the afternoon. Please let us know if you would like to do so.

More details at the next forum, but in the meantime, please get telling people!

We need copy! Please send your work in to the usual email address. If you missed the last one, find it here

Write a Novel in a Month
This kicks off in November. visit www.nanowrimo.org for more details.

Words on the Wild Side
Georgia Varjas is in the throes of promoting her poetry collection, and will be appearing on TalkEurope Radio this Thursday i(13th October) in the afternoon. (105.1 FM). Her interview will be at 3:45pm.
She's also been in contact with a group in Madrid which should be of particular interest to our poetry and performing members. Find out more about this group at www.elasunto.com.
Georgia's also booked to appear at a monthly cabaret night in Madrid, organised by Sue Birk, and she'll be telling us about her exploits at the next forum meeting.

Topics for Discussion
We have a whole load of topics for discussion, set by the members at the forum meeting yesterday. We'll be pulling these out of the hat from next month. Should be very interesting.

Headed by Michael, we have a short story crime writing project on the go for our writers here on the Costa Blanca. The aim is to produce an anthology of 25 stories, each of around 4000 words, within three to four months, and then to publish. There's a certain theme, and its going to take a lot of collaboration. Research is going to be a big part of the process. If you want to know more details, or sign up to be a part of this, then email us by clicking on this link. Then we'll email project writers with further details.

Wow, you guys are busy bees! We have members writing memoirs, poetry collections, a collection of limericks, novels on the go, blogs, language books... the list is never ending.

We hope that our new association with Bookworld will be able to help all with the impetus to finish and polish their work, and then get published, sold and read! Wouldn't it be great to see your work on the shelf in the local bookshop and hold a WordPlay sponsored book signing?

John Bartlett has finished a website that he has been working on for over two years. Please feel free to visit it at www.simplytakecontrol.webs.com, He really wants feedback now, and is looking for the comments of WordPlay members.

John McGregor, new member, has recently had his autobiographical account "Fairy Tales of an SAC" published by Woodfield Publishing in the UK, and has been on a promotional tour in the south of England. For all those looking to promote work, his accounts are a must listen to.

10am for 10:30am at the Emerald Isle, La Florida on MONDAY 14TH NOVEMBER 2011

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