Thursday 22 November 2012

Tracking Book Sales

Hey all, just read this which seems like some good advice:

Author Central
At Amazon's Author Central you can click on the Sales Info tab to see graphs of your book's ranking.

A free service for authors to track their Amazon Sales Rank through Amazon's various stores around the world. Sales quantities are only estimates.

Metric Junkie
A free service that displays Amazon Sales data through charts and graphs. You can track sales and estimate product market share.

Sales Rank Express
Another free service. Sales Rank Express pulls together sales rankings from Amazon and NovelRank. A nice feature here is the ability to see "pairings". Pairings reflect books that are bought most often by the same customers, and this information is presented by Amazon to customers in various ways to encourage additional purchases.

A tracking service for both Amazon and Barnes & Noble stores. A free account will let you do some limited tracking on one book; however you will need to pay for more features or to track multiple books.

Books & Writers
Another service to track your book rank on and Barnes & Noble. Their Rank Monitoring Service allows you to receive hourly, daily, or weekly email updates of rankings and view charts tracking a book's ranking over those intervals. It costs $10 per year for 1 - 2 books; $20 per year for 3 to 10 books.

This service offers analytics and customized graphs from Amazon. It costs $3 to track a book at one Amazon store for 3 months, or $9 for a year.

Finally, although it can be a lot of fun watching your book's sales rank - if it's improving anyway - it is usually more productive for your writing career to spend less time watching your rank and more time working on your next book.

Thursday 15 November 2012

New Book Signing Details

Hi All,

a small inconvenience, a minor irritation, but this is Spain, after all!

We have had to make a small change to the book signing running order, here's the new details. I'm sorry if there's any inconvenience, things beyond our control. For those authors who were to be at the Shorts for Autumn signing on 21st November, could you move that to 1st December, please?

Saturday 17 Nov                   MY GENTLE WAR – Joy Lennick

Wednesday 21 Nov              LOSING HOPE – Nikki Dee

Saturday 24 Nov                   FALLYN – Kathy Rollinson

Wednesday 28 Nov               MY GENTLE WAR – Joy Lennick

Saturday 1 Dec                      LOSING HOPE – Nikki Dee
                                             SHORTS FOR AUTUMN - Anthology

Wednesday 5   Dec               SHORTS FOR AUTUMN - Anthology

Saturday 8 Dec                     FALLYN – Kathy Rollinson