Tuesday 22 May 2012


Hey guys and gals,

If you are stuck for a little inspiration for stories, why not try the following. I think you'll be amazed at how many story lines you could come up with:

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Next Week's Forum

Hi All,
Next week's Forum, as ever on the second Monday of the month, 14th May at 10:30am at the Emerald Isle, La Florida, looks set to be interesting.

We're going to button down the new Quarterly Book, and give deadlines etc for story submission, and then bring all up to date on other news in the market. Hopefully there will be good news for at least one of our members! Don't forget to bring along your news etc.

And, for those that have been involved, have a look at the image attached and let me know what you think. It's only draft at the moment, so we can change it around (eg, I know there's some name changes needed!).